2007-06-14 03:18:36 UTC
Hello everyone! I try to use the formLayout command to create a
window.But once
I use the flag "-attachOppositeControl" in the script ,my maya will
close itself quickly,how can you tell me why?
TIA! the following is the script.
if (`window -exists hardWidowUI`)
deleteUI hardWindowUI;
//create the window
window -t "Simplify the Channel Box for Animator"
-mxb off
-sizeable on
//set the main column layut
columnLayout mainCol;
//the first frame layout
frameLayout -l "Lock<--------------------->Unlock"
-collapsable off
-collapse off
-borderStyle "etchedIn"
formLayout form1;
button -l "Translate" but1;
button -l "Translate" but2;
button -l "Rotate" but3;
button -l "Rotate" but4;
button -l "Scale" but5;
button -l "Scale" but6;
formLayout -edit
-attachForm but1 "left" 6
-attachForm but1 "top" 10
-attachControl but1 "right" 4 but2
-attachForm but2 "right" 6
-attachForm but2 "top" 10
-attachOppositeControl but2 "bottom" 0 but1
-attachForm but3 "left" 6
-attachControl but3 "top" 4 but1
-attachControl but3 "right" 4 but4
-attachForm but4 "right" 6
-attachControl but4 "top" 4 but2
-attachOppositeControl but4 "bottom" 0 but3
-attachForm but5 "left" 6
-attachControl but5 "top" 4 but3
-attachControl but5 "right" 4 but6
-attachForm but6 "right" 6
-attachControl but6 "top" 4 but4
-attachOppositeControl but6 "bottom" 0 but5
showWindow hardWindowUI;
window.But once
I use the flag "-attachOppositeControl" in the script ,my maya will
close itself quickly,how can you tell me why?
TIA! the following is the script.
if (`window -exists hardWidowUI`)
deleteUI hardWindowUI;
//create the window
window -t "Simplify the Channel Box for Animator"
-mxb off
-sizeable on
//set the main column layut
columnLayout mainCol;
//the first frame layout
frameLayout -l "Lock<--------------------->Unlock"
-collapsable off
-collapse off
-borderStyle "etchedIn"
formLayout form1;
button -l "Translate" but1;
button -l "Translate" but2;
button -l "Rotate" but3;
button -l "Rotate" but4;
button -l "Scale" but5;
button -l "Scale" but6;
formLayout -edit
-attachForm but1 "left" 6
-attachForm but1 "top" 10
-attachControl but1 "right" 4 but2
-attachForm but2 "right" 6
-attachForm but2 "top" 10
-attachOppositeControl but2 "bottom" 0 but1
-attachForm but3 "left" 6
-attachControl but3 "top" 4 but1
-attachControl but3 "right" 4 but4
-attachForm but4 "right" 6
-attachControl but4 "top" 4 but2
-attachOppositeControl but4 "bottom" 0 but3
-attachForm but5 "left" 6
-attachControl but5 "top" 4 but3
-attachControl but5 "right" 4 but6
-attachForm but6 "right" 6
-attachControl but6 "top" 4 but4
-attachOppositeControl but6 "bottom" 0 but5
showWindow hardWindowUI;